So here it is. The Semi-Annual Scott Family Blog Update. Yes I know, you are not seeing things. I realized that A LOT of things have happened since last September when I updated. But oddly enough the most recent event in our house has to do with Ryan getting hurt, but I fill you in on that later. Since there is sooo much I guess I will start at the beginning.
October was a lot of fun. We decided to go all out for Halloween and dress up the entire family. So we pulled off "The Wizard of OZ." We had almost the entire cast from the Wicked Witch of the West to a Munchkin. The kids thought it was the funniest thing ever! Any ideas for next year?
November was pretty low key. We did celebrate our first one year anniversary in our home, and we are loving it!!! It's nice to not have the kids under my feet all the time. Especially when they are getting bigger and bigger. Some days I wish they would just stay little. We were able to celebrated Thanksgiving with some of our close friends.
December was a busy month. I had surgery at the beginning of the month which left Brent and some of my friends in charge of EVERYTHING for a couple of weeks. Everyone was FABULOUS and extremely helpful. We had a great Christmas. I have decided that my favorite part of Christmas is watching the expressions on the kids faces when they open a gift. It was also very fun when Mandy and her family showed up for a little visit. We didn't tell any of the kids that they were coming. The surprise was GREAT! Maybe next time we will head there way, :) (maybe I will give you a little warning)
January. I can not believe that it is already 2010! Seriously I am beginning to feel old! The most exciting thing for us in January was Kylie's 4th birthday. It really does not seem like she could be 4 already. She had a great princess birthday. She is our little princess.
And then just a few days later (in Feb) Brynlie turned 2. I know!!! My baby is two. Where has the past two years gone? She is growing up so much! It is so much fun staying home with the two little ones. They remind me so much of McKenely and Kaitlyn when they were this age. We also were able to have Grandma and Grandpa Lybbert here for the celebration. Which for us doesn't happen very often. My kids love it when grandma and grandpa come for a visit, cause they know we will eat at all the good restaurants and they can skip school. And it helps that they always bring an "extra" bag with goodies. A week after they left poor Kylie had her tonsils and adenoids removed. Her snoring and sleep apnea had gotten pretty bad. The Dr came out after her surgery and said that he had never seen tonsils that big. Before they took her back they gave her some medicine that made her a little loopy. It was soooooo funny!!! She was telling the story of the Three Little Pigs and was making the voices. The nurses we just laughing. She is just a hoot!
And now here we are in March. We started the month off with SNOW. Yep, you read that correctly. Now we do not get snow that often, let alone when it sticks! The kids thought it was AWESOME. Byrnlie and Kylie had never really seen snow before. Ty did not like how it made your hands hurt when they played in it. They had a great time building a snowman. I know it's nothing like the storm Aimee had, but for here we'll take it. Ryan also started soccer this month. He was really excited about doing something that didn't involve any of his sisters. And honestly I don't blame the kid. They won their first game. The sad part was that soccer came to a screeching halt when he broke his arm (I'll go into more detail later). Poor kid also celebrated his 7th birthday in a cast. Unable to really do anything fun, but we made it as fun as we could.
Now we find ourselves preparing for Easter. Who knows what the next few months will bring. Maybe I will even do better at updating this thing. Don't hold your breath. :)

Lesie! I can't believe it! You actually blogged, and I love it! You're family is so, so adorable. Miss you guys and love you to pieces!
Wow!! On pins and needles waiting for the Ryan update. Love and miss you all.
Great update! Your family is so cute! I love the pics with Mandy's family. Can't wait to hear about Ryan!
I love the last picture of Ty and Brynlie--WAY too cute!! SOunds like you are a busy mother of 5. Bummer about Ryans arm... thanks for the updates!!
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