Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Is this really happening?

Do you ever have those moments when you think to yourself,"is this really happening?". And it's never accompanied with,"you've just won the lottery!!" or " we screwed up, here's $100 gift card for your trouble." Nothing like that. It's usually more along the lines of, " but officer I thought it was 45" or " CRAP!!!". Like today it went something like this, "I am not watching water gush out from under the bathroom door. CRAP, water is gushing out from under the bathroom door!!!" Luckily for me my 3 year old felt like she had it all under control. Phew, I was worried for a bit.

1 comment:

sariqd said...

At least she had it under control.... excuse me while I laugh hysterically! LOL!!! :)