So I finally downloaded all the pictures off my camera and found a Ton. Yes, I know that I am a slacker. Here are a few of the pictures from Ryan's 6th birthday. It was a very eventful day. We have the tradition that the birthday person gets to pick a place to eat for their dinner, (it makes it a special day for me too). And surprise surprise Ryan picked Mexican. So as we were loading up the kids to go out for dinner when we noticed that the sky had gone black. I flipped on the news and found out that we had a sever thunderstorm with softball sized hail heading strait for us.
So we had to scrap dinner plans and figure a way to get the cars in the garage. So while Brent worked on getting the garage done I whipped up some dinner. Dinner turned out great and Ry had his Walle cake. My car made it into the garage, but Brent's wasn't so lucky. The hail pelted us pretty hard. Our garage door and Brent's car look like golf balls. It caused $15,000 in damage to our new home. Yes, those numbers are correct. Thank heaven for homeowners insurance!!! Needless to say Ryan will never forget his birthday.